Marching Thunder Band Camp
Marching Thunder
Orchestra at the Fundraiser Dinner
Santa Band
Wind Ensemble at Sonoma State
Symphonic Orchestra
Marching Thunder Band Camp
Jazz Band at the Fundraiser Dinner
Marching Thunder
Jazz Band at Quarry Park
Spring Tour to Great America
Orchestra Small Ensemble
Wind Ensemble at the Sonoma State Festival
All District Winterguard
Folsom Jazz Festival
Pep Band
All District Marching Band at Rocklin's 125th Anniversary
We need parents to help with uniform fittings. No experience needed! You will pass out uniforms and pin pants for hemming. This Monday and Wednesday from 4-6pm.
Buy your Music required uniform polo and spirit wear before the store closes on 8/26! This is our only spirit wear sale of the year!
Polos are the required uniform for all informal performances and are only available through the 26th. We also highly recommend sweatshirts for the fall and winter.
Have photos or videos that you would like to share with us? Click the link and upload your photos and/or videos to the RHS Music Boosters' Google Drive! After signing in, click on New > File Upload and click on the file from your computer.
For the complete schedule, click the link to the Calendar.
Marching Thunder
The Rocklin High School Marching Band (aka Marching Thunder) is a highlight at various school and community events. In the Fall, Marching Thunder combines with the Pep Band, Dance Team, and Cheerleaders to entertain and energize the crowd at home football games. During halftime, Marching Thunder displays a variety of musical styles and movements that are sometimes full of surprises. Marching Thunder also performs at many community events, including parades and festivals like Hot Chili & Cool Cars in Rocklin. Check out our Video Galleries page for videos of Marching Thunder’s halftime field shows:
Concerts & Festivals
Rocklin High School Instrumental Music Program students are showcased at seasonal concerts throughout the school year. These performances include the Creepy Concert, Fall / Winter Concert, and Spring Concerts, along with district-wide concerts with Granite Oaks and Spring View Middle Schools, along with Whitney High School in Rocklin. Some ensembles also perform at local or out-of-town festivals. For example, the two Jazz Bands routinely perform at the Sac State, Folsom, Santa Cruz, and Reno Jazz Festivals. Click below to explore all the Instrumental Music courses offered at Rocklin High School:
Fundraiser Dinner
Every year, the Rocklin High Music Boosters organize a Fundraiser Dinner to help support the RHS Instrumental Music Department. Several music ensembles perform, and the money raised goes toward new equipment, festival and competition costs, and other activities within the music department. Along with live music and a delicious meal, those attending can also bid for raffle baskets, and participate in silent and live auctions. Tickets are available in advance and at the door, but they go fast! If you are interested in helping out, read more about our Boosters here:
Spring Tour
Each year, a special multi-day trip is planned to provide an opportunity for all performing groups to travel and attend music festivals outside the local area. These events bring music students together in a memorable way to encourage both teamwork and self-reliance. On occasion, these trips are coordinated with Rocklin Choir and/or with the Whitney High School Music Department. Recent travels have included performances in the Bay Area, Southern California, and Hawaii. Click below to see our photo galleries, including collections from previous Spring Trips: